Let’s face it, there’s a lot of info out there attempting to explain just what exactly is sustainable food and how has it been incorporated into society and business. To learn more about sustainable food, visit these credible and informative sites. Please share your favorite sustainable food resource on our Facebook Page.
SFS Resources
Is your food service program a sustainable program? Take our self assessment to learn how your program scores in 12 areas of sustainability.
Download a flyer of our 5 Spokes of the Sustainable Food Wheel.
Always wondered how to get started on composting? Download our Tips on Composting for all of the information your will need.
Three easy fixes to take towards a healthier menu.
Sustainable Food Systems Newsletter Archive
The Sustainable Table’s Introduction to Sustainability Food Dictionary will help clarify common sustainability terms and references.
Sustainability in the Food Industry
What to Eat, Marian Nestle
Winning the Food Fight, Steve Willis
Library of Books by Alice Waters
Diet For A Small Planet and more…, Frances More Lappe
Diet For A Hot Planet, Anna Lappe
Edible, Tracey Ryder and Carole Topalian
Empires of Food, Evan Fraser and Andrew Rimas
Food Matters, Mark Bittman
Omnivores Dilemma, Michael Pollan
Food Rules, Michael Pollan
4 Fish, Paul Greenberg
Lunch Wars, Amy Kalafa
Fair Food, Dr. Oran Hesterman
Two Angry Moms
Nourish the Spirit
Food Inc.
Dirt The Movie
Good Food
Super Size Me
What’s On Your Plate
Fairfield Green Food Guide
Food Politics
Cooking Up A Story
Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution
Let’s Move
Chef’s Move to Schools
Huff Post Green