Let’s face it, there’s a lot of info out there attempting to explain just what exactly is sustainable food and how has it been incorporated into society
 and business. To learn more about sustainable food, visit these credible
 and informative sites:

SFS Resources

Is your food service program a sustainable program? Take our self assessment to learn how your program scores in 12 areas of sustainability. [ADD SELF ASSESSMENT FORM]

Food Systems Ttips on
 Here is an article that will get you started composting

(link doesn’t work, what is the name of the article?)
Easy Switches.pdf.
HereThese are three easy first steps to take towards a healthier menu
Sustainable Food Systems Newsletter Archive


Sustainability in the Food Industry.  
Order form

(is this the link to order the book?Sustainable

Michael Pollan books


Food Inc?, Two Angry Moms?






Is your food service program a sustainable program? Take our self assessment to learn how your program scores in 12 areas of sustainability. [ADD SELF ASSESSMENT FORM]