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  Why Sustainable Food Systems | Our Strategy | Results


A driving force behind Sustainable Food Systems is the conviction that we owe it to the well-being of the next generation to foster wise decision-making to preserve our land, our local food sources and local farmers.

Industrial food production has had a radical impact on the health of the planet as well as that of its population. Consider these facts.

The Center for Disease Control reports that for the first time ever, a generation of American children will die at a younger age than their parents.

Industrialized facilities raise animals we eat in overcrowded conditions by the thousands at a single site. Animals are fed inappropriate foods and massive dosages of antibiotics.

Farm workers, including children, work and live in substandard conditions and are paid low wages.

Farming fertilizers and pesticides, large-scale irrigation and harvesting methods, as well as genetic engineering are having a significant negative impact on our environment.

Food travels an average of 1500 miles from field to fork. Almost 90% of our food supply is controlled by as few as 10 companies.

Sustainable Food Systems is committed to reversing this trend by partnering with others to develop planet-healthy food systems that enhance nutritional, social and environmental well being and the well being of local economies.


Sustainability in Food Service is simply defined as �a way of producing and consuming food that ultimately promotes the continuous well-being of ourselves and our planet.�

Sustainable foods offer a delicious and nutritional approach to the way food is produced, cooked and shared.

Sustainable agriculture eliminates the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified organisms, conserves water and ensures sustained biodiversity.

Shifting food spending to local sources stimulates local economies by creating new jobs and providing more tax revenue.

Fairly traded products, available at every price level, ensure livable wages, an improved quality of life and help farmers invest in improving quality and diversifying crops.

It is in the best interest of all of us, our local communities, future generations of children and the future of the planet to integrate planet-healthy food systems into food service programs.

Contact us at 203.294.9683 or via email at [email protected] to learn more about Sustainable Food Systems and how we can work together.

Learn more about John Turenne, Founder and President of Sustainable Food Systems.

"John Turenne really gets the fact that is
is not just about serving good food to
children, but its also about letting
them in on the secret of where food
comes from, the impact of food choices
on their health and the planet, and the
joy of preparing real food."
Sharon Lauer, Head
Unquowa School

  Sustainable Food Systems LLC | 88 South Main Street | Wallingford, CT 06492 | 203.294.9683 | [email protected]
Photos by Paulette Phlipot Photography Design by CPRdesignco LLC