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  Why Sustainable Food Systems | Our Strategy | Results


Sustainable Foods Systems, a unique consulting and technical assistance service, partners with healthcare facilities, public and private schools, universities, business dining facilities and community organizations to incorporate sustainability practices that are healthier for customers, local economies and the planet into their food programs.

The SFS Team, with over 30 years in the food service industry, has experienced the realities of both conventional and sustainable food service. We are personally and professionally committed to working in ways that motivate and inspire both your food service staff and your clientele to deliver a healthier product for customers, local economies and the planet.

Our vision is to �Make the world a better place through better food�.


We partner with programs like yours to implement Sustainability Practices in Food Service � simply defined as �a way of producing and consuming food that ultimately promotes the continuous well-being of ourselves and our planet.�

Sustainable Food Systems teams with you to complete an evaluation of your entire food system � Food and Products, Facilities, Community, Communication and Fiscal Responsibility � to determine to what extent your program utilizes sustainability practices.

We then identify opportunities for implementing simple, sustainable changes to create real and lasting systems change in food service programs.

We collaboratively develop and oversee a realistic action plan to achieve the results you desire based on your goals and objectives. SFS clients have shown that sustainability practices have proven to be cost-effective.


Have you considered integrating sustainability practices that are healthier for your customers, local economies and the planet into your food service program?

We invite you to tour our website to learn more about sustainability in food service, our Team, and our results through our case studies. Our website offers resource lists for learning more about sustainability, notices of upcoming conferences and presentations and seasonal recipes for you to try. Join our mailing list to receive our e-newsletter.

Contact us at 203.294.9683 or by email at [email protected] to learn how we can work together to achieve your goals to integrating sustainability into your food service program.




“John Turenne and the team at Sustainable
Food Systems were a massive help.
I absolutely couldn't have done it
without them. I wish we had Sustainable
Food Systems here in the UK.”
Jamie Oliver, The Food Revolution

in Huntington, WV

"John Turenne is both nourishing people
with real food and helping to transform
agriculture in this country."
Alice Waters, Executive Chef/Owner
Chez Panisse Restaurant & Foundation

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  Sustainable Food Systems LLC | 88 South Main Street | Wallingford, CT 06492 | 203.294.9683 | [email protected]
Photos by Paulette Phlipot Photography Design by CPRdesignco LLC