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Sustainable Food Systems continues to receive national and international acknowledgement and recognition. These credits speak to John Turenne's passion, vision, and successes as Sustainable Food Systems continues to bridge the gap between traditional and sustainable food systems.

Kanawha County West Virginia is Stepping Up, October 29, 210
Sustainable Food Systems is headed to Kanawha County, West Virginia to continue the Food Revolution. John Turenne and Alden Cadwell talk to the local media about bringing healthier food to the kids in Charleston, West Virginia area.

Healthy Moms want Healthy Lunches, October 27, 2010

Some moms in Charleston are chanting, "If Cabell County Schools can do it, we can too." Once the Food Revolution cameras left, Sustainable Food Systems stayed behind and retrained the school cooks—in every kitchen of every school in Cabell county.

Local Chef works to bring Sustainable Food Systems to West Virginia

April Hamilton was especially worried about the impact on kids who often eat better at school than at home, "We need to make their meals exceptional, exceptionally nutritious. It doesn't have to be gourmet, but just a really great whole, fresh meal."

The Sun Valley Harvest Festival, September 24 – 26, 2010
John will be one of the Guest Chefs demonstrating a delicious dish using the bounty of Idaho’s harvest.

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution
Follow the latest news on how the Food Revolution is changing school food.

The Hartford Courant
Read about how John is “The quiet force behind Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution”.

Tasty Hospital Food Defies Tradition, Sun Valley Magazine/Summer 2010
A hospital food service gets transformed to a sustainable program.

Sustainable School Yard

Sun Valley Online
Idaho Mountain Express & P.2
The work with St. Luke's Hospital in Sun Valley Idaho has been covered in depth by a number of sources.

Johnson and Wales Magazine
John Turenne has been recognized for his contributions to the world of food service in the Johnson and Wales magazine.

American�Medical�Association�Passes�Resolution�Supporting� Sustainable�Food�System�

Hospital in Connecticut Takes a Healthy Step
New Milford Hospital is the first in the nation to change its menu to sustainable food including community outreach.

Thinking 'Sustainable' Makes Dollars Doable John Turenne addresses the cost considerations as a prime importance to any operator seeking to undertake a sustainable initiative.

School Lunches - John's Way Think Seasonal. Think Local. How John's world changed.

Edible Nutmeg: Making Meals Matter, A Brighter Future for Captive Customers
Why not serve better food throughout the world of institutional food service?

Princeton University's Food, Ethics, & Environmental Conference

John joined others in the good food movement, like Michael Pollan, Eric Schlosser and Marion Nestle at this important conference. John's presentation, Eating More Ethically at Princeton, is the 5th session of this 5-part conference.

View a clip of John from the movie: Two Angry Moms
Sustainable Food Systems Work in Schools
Two Angry Moms, a documentary that highlights Sustainable Food Systems and asks the question: What happens when two "fed-up" moms try to change the school lunch program?

From Yale to You: Success Breeds Success Tips that operators can use in thinking about and developing sustainability dining programs.

From local initiatives to large conferences and everything in between, see what others are saying about Sustainable Food Systems In the News.

"John has established a well-designed,
thoroughly tested and successful model
for a locally-grown menu in an institutional
food service operation that appeals
to the tastes of student customers."
Connecticut Farmland Trust



  Sustainable Food Systems LLC | 88 South Main Street | Wallingford, CT 06492 | 203.294.9683 | [email protected]
Photos by Paulette Phlipot Photography Design by CPRdesignco LLC